Steam is now offering a free trial for games

Steam has released a new feature that allows you to try games before you buy them. The Steam free trial feature is currently available for the game Dead Space and can be accessed through the Steam desktop client.

Dead Space is a science fiction survival horror video game franchise developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. The series is set in a dark and dystopian future where players take on the role of Isaac Clarke, an engineer who finds himself trapped on derelict spaceships infested with hostile alien creatures known as “Necromorphs.”

To use the trial, you can download and install the game for free. Once the game is installed, you can play it for up to 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, the game will be locked and you will need to either uninstall the game or purchase it in order to continue playing.

This is a valuable addition to Steam and allows you to try games before you commit to buying them. This can be especially helpful for games that are expensive or that you are not sure will enjoy.

This is also a good way for Steam to promote new games. By allowing players to try games for free, Steam can encourage gamers to buy games that they might not have otherwise considered.

If you’re interested in playing emulated games on your handheld, check out our list here.